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Android 6.0.1 update unable to format SD card as internal memory can't move app to SD card


Android 6.0.1 update unable to format SD card as internal memory can't move app to SD card

I just updated to Android 6.0.1 last night and I realized many things has changed. I can't access my apps store on the SD card from Android 5.1.1. I was able to move the apps to the SD card on 5.1.1 to free up some internal memory. The Marshmallow update supposed to have a better feature. It can mount the SD as internal memory provided I have to formated as internal memory. I bee playing around with my phone all day and I realized on the Sony release, they do not have this feature. I been YouTubeing around and found that within 6.0.1 in the settings /storage/SD card sub-menu, there should be 3 options. Eject, Format, and Format to internal memory. That's what I'm missing. Also if u insert the SD card for the first time, it should pop up a notification asking you what to do with the SD card. It didn't ask me. This is a known feature with marshmallow. My phone only have 16g, it won't hold all my apps, that was the reason why I move some apps to SD on Android 5.1.1. So what's going on?

I also factory reset my phone and format my SD again on my computer, it still don't work. It only treats it as a portable storage.

I tried to update my smartphone with new Android version 6.1.1 but now I can't use some applications because seems transfered to the SD card.
How can I solve problem or go back to the previous version without lose all setting ?


You said you tried. did you actually got it updated?  As far as I know from the other users. many of them has this problem where apps on SD no longer work after the update. The million dollar question is how important are your data. if you think it is important enough, I would give a call to Sony to see if there is a way around it. if these are your game data, I would just forget about it. I know, I know, it's frustrating. as you can see, I'm already over it. sorry no help from me.



I can't find a lot of my apps as well since the update to 6.0.1, also all my pictures and videos taken with the phone (not whatsapp photo's) and most of my music seem to have disappeared. My phone doesn't recognize the SD card anymore: according to 'Storage' I only have an 'Internal Storage'. Same when I connect to a computer with a USB cable. However the SD card is recognized when I use a (micro SD tot SD) adaptor. 

Is there a way to retrieve the data??

Perhaps the solution was already described in this thread, but I'm a noob and don't understand any of it. Can someone explain to me step by step how I would do that? When I would format the SD card, would I lose everything definitive? 



Things like this happens sometimes when you're upgrading anything, such as computers, phones and tables.  Back in the days when I was still working in the computer field, we ask people to make sure they have a backup of their stuff before the upgrade.

In your case, it's already done. hopefully the upgrade did not damage the SD card and technically it should not, however anything can be possible. you mention your phone can not see the SD card. connecting your phone via a usb cable to a computer will not change it. what you need to do is take the SD card out and see if you can place that into a computer with a card reader to make sure all your data are still there.  if your computer can see the SD card and all your data are there, Copy everything to the computer and make a backup. after your backup, Format your SD card and place it back into your phone to see if that works.  if not, try going into the Setting, storage location in the phone setting to see if you can format it there.  If you still can not see anything. you might need to restore your phone to factory default and try.  if you still have problems, calling support would be the best.

good luck


Thanks for your reply!

My computer can see the SD card with a card reader. Some data is still there, but not everything (for example screen shots and music are there, but photo's aren't). I copied the entire contents to my computer. Strangely when I try to open a .jpg file with a picture viewer, it says 'We can't open this file', and when I try to open it with Paint it says 'This is not a valid bitmap file or it's format is currently not supported'. Will I be able to open the files when I copy them back after formatting? 

Btw, what do you mean exactly by 'copy everything to the computer and make a backup', isn't that the same thing?

And another question about formatting, which settings do I choose for:

- File system

- Allocation unit size

- Quick format: yes or no?

Thank you for your patience, as you notice I don't have any experience with this stuff. Winking_Face



Honestly I do not know why your photo files are currupted.  Technically it should not if you take all your pictures directly to SD. The upgrade should not touch your SD cards, but it's hard to say. At this point, if the files are important enough for you, maybe it's time to make a call to Sony support. However you don't have a backup of your data, it might be as good as gone. No one is liable for your information except for yourself. with that said, you can certainly try to see if your photo will work after you get your SD card backup and running.

And Yes, Backup means copies to other location such as computer, external hard drives, etc. personally I have 2 copies of all my information such as photos, music, video and data files store elsewhere in case something crash. 

Formating, Android will only read FAT and FAT32. Usually you need to format it with FAT32 for larger SD card then 4G. 

Quick Format is fine

After the format, put it back into your Phone to see if it can see it. go into Setting, storage to see if it's there.  if you see the SD card, it might be best to format it again using your phone.

Hope this help. Sorry not much good news here.  Calling support might be your best option. good luck


Hi @CamerinT,

If i want to use my SD as internal memory i want to be able to do that and not be restricted because it would according to you be slower than the internal memory. I have a UHS-1 micro sd with fast read and write so the performance lost is what i'm willing to take to free up some space so i dont get the message that some functies wont work because off lack of memory!!



if you have read the whole thread, it's not possible to mount the SD as internal memory. Sony remove that feature from Android M. that's the reason why I open this case. 


I get the fuss. I would like to move ALL APP CONTENT to SD too. The speed doesn't really matter (for now).
Sdcards just have to be improved in future which will be, once this option becomes a standard.
But as there is no need, this won't happen until it is.

Apps sometimes use up a lot if internal memory, games like real racing 3 with 3GB meanwhile, Clash of Kings with over 400MB and a lot of high graphical games.
More and more apps are becoming better and better and a lot of people are starting to use there phone also as a consol like the psp. Why? Coz it's Handy, it's fun and the hardware is functional for it.

So that's just a reason why this option just just be given!

I'm having the same problem. I can't even update my apps now due to lack of space on internal storage.

I even bought a new sd card to mount as internal storage. More fool me.

The 'fixes' suggested by the xperia are extremely poor and probably copied and pasted from the idiots guide to phone storage.

I'm using a 3rd party app to transfer data to sd card but the amount of apps I use that require internal storage only has filled up all 16gb.

This should be my choice to format sd as internal storage and not just remove it from the update.

If this isn't fixed in an update the only option I can see is to get a new phone. Which I'm reluctant to do because I do like the Z3 Compact and I will have to buy out half of my contract.