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Android 6.0.1 update unable to format SD card as internal memory can't move app to SD card


Android 6.0.1 update unable to format SD card as internal memory can't move app to SD card

I just updated to Android 6.0.1 last night and I realized many things has changed. I can't access my apps store on the SD card from Android 5.1.1. I was able to move the apps to the SD card on 5.1.1 to free up some internal memory. The Marshmallow update supposed to have a better feature. It can mount the SD as internal memory provided I have to formated as internal memory. I bee playing around with my phone all day and I realized on the Sony release, they do not have this feature. I been YouTubeing around and found that within 6.0.1 in the settings /storage/SD card sub-menu, there should be 3 options. Eject, Format, and Format to internal memory. That's what I'm missing. Also if u insert the SD card for the first time, it should pop up a notification asking you what to do with the SD card. It didn't ask me. This is a known feature with marshmallow. My phone only have 16g, it won't hold all my apps, that was the reason why I move some apps to SD on Android 5.1.1. So what's going on?

I also factory reset my phone and format my SD again on my computer, it still don't work. It only treats it as a portable storage.


Got it, although you were not able to save that much from doing so, moving apps to the SD card, but I wonder if it will be implemented later on



You still can, see my previous post Slightly_smiling_Face The only thing that is not available is the option to use your SD card as internal memory. You can still move apps to the SD as before, though the process is slightly different.



I try that. it said i have insufficiant space when my memory card was completely empty. I formatted earlier. this is just giving me all kinds of problem.

even what you told me it works, it's not a great work around, what will happen when I do the update? will it move back to the internal memory? if so, I will have to go through all the apps one by one, where the the 5.1.1 has a app page that list all the apps On SD Card. frustrated more then ever



When you update next it shouldn't do that. Marshmallow changed the way Apps on SD card are managed which is likely why you would have experienced this issue.

There are third party apps you can get that make idenifying and moving apps to the SD card easier.

Using the SD card as internal storage is the only thing that is unavailable and based on the information I currently have available it is unlikely the feature will be added officially due to the huge performance loss and issues that come as a result of it.

In regards to the "Insufficent space" issue... what format did you format the SD card to? FAT32 or NTFS?


I feel like a noob Face_with_stuck-out_Tongue thanks for the heads up 



I try doing that, now it said "NOT ENOUGH STORAGE SPACE" on every app that's movable. 

I tried the following Apps. none of them allow me to move to SD due to eror. 





Micro SD card: Samsung Pro 64G

Free Space: 59G

I'm able to copy my photos, musics and videos to the card,


I was able to move all these apps to SD from Android version 5.0 to 5.1.1 without any problem. now after this upgrade, I can't move my apps, not enough storage space to install all apps into internal memory. I have not found any solution on the internet yet. I see other people have this problem as well, but no solution yet. can you see if you can talk with your support team and see there is a solution or not? I really don't want to end up spending another $500-$700 to buy another phone because of this upgrade.



Did you format the SD card into NTFS or FAT32? Because Android can't read NTFS and I am wondering if that is the issue.



Oh sorry, I should have mention it on the other post. 

Formatted with Computer (Quick Format) (FAT32)

Formatted with Computer (low level Format) (FAT32)

Formatted with phone (3 times)

It's all FAT32, like I said in my previous post, I was able to copy my photos, musics and videos back to the card fine. now it's taken up 25G of my space. Free space I still have 35G



Problem Solved

I don't know this is a bug or not. the reason why it did not move the app to the SD card was because the SD card was over 32G. Since I have a 64G with a total of 59G free. it will not transfer.  So I uploaded my photos, musics and lots of videos to take up 1/2 of the memories. Now I have 29G left, restarted my phone and the apps transfer fine. go figure.

A solution was posted on

This is just a work around now, it would really be nice to just have the memory card mounted as internal memories. 


Dear CameronT,

thank you for your presence here, helping people, explaining stuff...
I am afraid I have to ask you for a big favor:

Please go to the person responsible for not having that "Adaptable Storage" feature in the Sony flavor of Android M and read him/her the following words loudly:


Unnecessary to say, that for every dataphile person that is a killer-feature. Instead of killing this feature there should have been something geeky like an awesome array of intenal/external storage where data is striped and speed is gained.

Let´s see how Cyanogen is dealing with it - maybe it comes back to my compact Z3 dream world.    

Oh and by the way, it is nice being regarded with such an OS update anyway - kudos to SONY.

Until today, there is no rollout in Germany...



P.S.:So I am german, don´t mess with my grammar!