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Error! Camera not Available!


Error! Camera not Available!

I've had my Z1 for approximately 2 weeks now and I've just gone to take a picture and it's sitting on a black screen for about 6 seconds and then popping up a box "Error! Camera not available!" After having this phone for such a short period of time, and the camera being the main selling point of the phone I'm somewhat dissapointed that I'm having issues already. Any suggestions on what might be causing this issue? Or anybody else having this issue/had this issue and knows of a fix? Last thing I want is to be stuck with a phone that has no camera for a 2 year contract when the entire reason for getting a new phone was to double as a camera for the start of Uni... Already had one night worth of pictures missed now because of this let down...

109 REPLIES 109

Thank you both for your replies, I will attempt what you're suggesting and post my results here.

ETA: Safe mode doens't work... I'm probably taking it to the shop for repair. 


xperia Z1 says camera not available many times.

why this happens in a flagship phone!:smileyshame_on_you::smileyshame_on_you:


This should not happen in a flagship phone and that too of such a world renowned company :Sony

such a shame on them that their customers have to deal with such issues even after paying very high prices for their smart phones.:smileyalert::smileyalert::smileyalert:


Does that clear your images as well?


I have the same problem with my xperia x3 dual which I bought less than a month ago Tried everything from soft and hard resets to sony update and pc companion out-of- the box restore. Clearing cache and restarting..nothing happened. I'm reading that many pal are having the same issue. Where is sony on this?!

I have the same problem with XPERIA T3 😞


Hello XPERIA peers.

Solution is right here, tested on the latest model Z3v and should work on all models of XPERIA and similar Sony Device FirmWare proDuct$

Reset your ROTATION SETTINGS, via native/stock Rotation Options or your 3RD party Rotation App.

I did clean all cached processes, and there was zero difference.

I use a 3rd party app to FORCE AUTOROTATION, and simply deactivated the FORCE AUTO and reset the stock Rotation settings.

Likely it's in the firmware bindings and there is some crossed code communication between the accelerometer function and the camera settings.


If I clear everything from my camera, will I lose my photos and videos?
Should I take my memory card out first?
As I'm having the same problem I want to do it but just don't want to lose everything.

It won't delete any of your data.


hi also have this problem

camera problem on kit kat .157
HI GREETINGS FROM ALBANIA i have a problem with camera: look i had a 4.4.4 kit kat rooted on .157 i wanted to open the camera and the main cmaera it shows black and when i press the button to shot a photo it freezes and stays like that and i have to lock and unlock to use my phone again listen i have an unlocked bootloader plus i have tried i flashed .4.4.2 5.0.2 4.3 jelyybean and none of them works my main camera isnt working it shows black and it stays like that but my face camera works
look i have been on .108 deodexed filmware and had no issues in it then the android lollipop update appeared and i flashed a preerooted lollipop for my xperia and it works good no problems but i noticied that it heat up then i followed a tutorial by downgrading to to kit kat .157 which i done those steps that flash the kernel ok all done then after some days i go to open the camera and it showed black but when i switched to face camera it worked but main is not workingplease man tell me how to fix this i have downgraded to many version but it doesnt worked please how to fix it is serius problem i will post some pics to see how it is and tell me the problem. i informed that some others has this issue please tell me how to fix it.i appriciate the help your tutorials are amazing but please help me with this problem to the xda cus its serius pls youre my only hope. note:i have an unlocked bootloader but i have losted the ta backup cus my drive was screwed and i lost the keys it has been working fine in 108 deodexed now i dont know whats wrong pls i have flashed this rom for lollipop 


I too have had the error of "error, camera not working" with a Sony Z3. i have wiped and reinstalled my phone with the latest software only for it not to have fixed the problem. it cant be conflicting with other programs because i havent installed any apps yet.

Unforunately i still have a year left on contract otherwise i would throw this phone in the bin and go back to Apple. The lack of support with such a big company such as Sony is a disgrace. i will never buy a Sony product again.

I look forward to getting an iphone and making sure that i steer anyone i know thinking about a Sony phone in future away from such a bad choice.

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