Battery Indicator STUCK at 20%


Battery Indicator STUCK at 20%


It is bad enough that the battery barely last 5 hours without and now to make matters worse, my battery indicator is stuck at 20% regardless of how much I charge it. Don't get me wrong, the phone still charges but always says 20% so I never know when it is going to
die on me.

The phone charges overnight and it will die at somepoint during the day despite still saying it has 20% remaining.   I have looked for advice online, performed a simulated battery removal, drained the battery, charged overnight with the phone turned off and even factory reset but still no joy!!!

I have had this phone for FOUR WEEKS!!!!  It was ok for the first three and now this happens!!

In addition, I have a Sony update pending. The update won't go ahead BECAUSE the battery level is 20%...... it insists on requiring a battery level of 30% in order to perform the update!!

I am beginning to realise this was a BIIIIIIIIG waste of money!!



@aj225 have you tried performing a software repair using Xperia Companion? it's different than factory reset, as it downloads a fresh copy of the firmware.


Hi @najodleglejszy,

Yes I finally managed to perform software repair using Xperia Companion but it has not fixed the problem.

Still stuck at 20% and I have to keep it charging all day in case I need to go out.  I am severely disabled and rely on my phone in case of emergencies, so this siuation with Sony is not an appreciated one if you know what I mean....

@aj225 well in that case you might want to contact your Local support and let them know about the issue, and perhaps arrange a repair. it doesn't seem to me that it's caused by software, as I haven't seen anyone else report a similar problem here.


Hello there,

I have exactly the same issue. It is started differently. I have used Screen mirroring yesterday to my TV (as before) and the phone got frozen after an hour. I restarted the phone and since then, the battery indicator shows 20% all time. It was about 68% before...

I restarted the phone again, shutdown and switch on, force reset with voluem up key and power button (held for 10 sec). I already made a backup - factory reset - restore, still the same. Also with Xperia Companion Software reset.

There is no information for local support in Luxembourg. I feel that I wasted a lot of money on this phone...

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My XZ premium had the same problem as well, stuck at 20% for weeks. One fine day the indicator showed the correct battery level (i have absolutely no idea how it's fixed).  It only lasted for about a week and now i am seeing 20% everyday. Tried all the method i could find on internet to fix it but nothing helped. Can someone from Sony help us solve this problem? 

By the way, aj225, u can tab on the batter icon on the top screen to see how long can the battery lasts, it still shows the correct estimated duration.

I have this same issue, has anyone managed to get it sorted?  I've tried all the usual stuff, tried new charger, new lead, tried resetting phone, tried a full software reset and no joy.  Battery seems to last a fair while but like previously mentioned you can't tell when the battery is going to die.  Even tried installing battery management apps but they just tell me its at 20% too


Help Sony! I have the exact same problem as the persons in the previous replies. This seems to be a widespread issue with the Xperia Z5 batteries. 


Another one here with battery indicator stuck at 20% , repair tool just reset the phone , didnt fix the indicator problem 

Battery itself charges OK , lasts just as long as always , but the indicator is saying 20% regardless if its about to die , or if its freshly charged . 


Can anyone find a solution to the problem?

Sorunun çözümünü bulabilen var mı? 


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