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Android 10 bugs-we need an official reply about updating or not. Is a proper re-launch ready?


Android 10 bugs-we need an official reply about updating or not. Is a proper re-launch ready?

Hi all,

currently using an xz1 (will be stuck to andr 9, "thank you sony") and thinking about purchasing an xz3 or a 5.

but after reading so many bugs about Android 10 i m really wondering if i should make the purchase.

I ve read posts since late 2019 and early 2020 for the bugs but recently i see no posts if the problems continue. Are there any users to confirm that they received a working update in andr10, for XZ family and xperia 1 and 5?

some sites say that Sony pulled back the buggy update and after sometime that they will start to roll out again so what is going on? I wouldn't mind waiting a bit for a stable version but what is the status for now?

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Try disabling the 4 pre installed facebook apps. First double check if your phone is responsive in safe mode to eliminate any other issues - mine was ok in safe mode and disabling Facebook apps has made a huge difference