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File manager - Battery drain - OTG - double tap to wake - top of screen touch


File manager - Battery drain - OTG - double tap to wake - top of screen touch

Hi . I bought Xperia XA dual recently and did 3 OTA updates to the latest version , its a great and very nice device with great functions and great sony supports and updates but i faced some quastions & problems

1-where is the File manager ? any pre installed with full SD card access ? I think 3rd party file manager apps in google play store can't have full access to SD card 

2-form night to morning battery downs 7 - 8 % , its not too much ? (2 sim card - wifi-nfc-bluetooth &... are off - recent apps are cleared - 3 social app installed : instagram-telegram-plus messenger)

3-OTG function is not stable in large file moving esp in cuting files to SD card , for example comletely disconnecting occures by device in this siuations

4-Where is double tap to wake ? 

5-for accessing status bar , touch of the top of the screen is not working sensitive , especially when device is on desk or table also in hand is not very good

(can it cause by glass protector that i use ?! however touch of other area of device is OK and sensitive and touch test dosn't show problem also on top of the screen , maybe its cause of software bugs ?!)

best regards


Download a file commander, you can find answers to most of those questions if you use the search bar