Average Age of BBC1 Viewers is now 61 !

Not applicable

Average Age of BBC1 Viewers is now 61 !

According to the BBC Trust - End of Charter Review (March 2017) - see attached document


"In 2014 we reported that the average (median) age of viewer of BBC One and BBC Two, both of which have a remit to serve all viewers, had risen to 59 and 60 respectively. We recommended that these services should seek to improve their offer to younger viewers in order to rebalance their appeal. Trends in how young people watch television channels appear to have worked against the BBC’s attempts to meet this challenge: the average age of these channels has continued to rise and, by 2016, it was 61 and 62 respectively."


Even worse in regards to uptake of BBC iPlayer:

"growth of BBC online has slowed in the past couple of years and the breadth of use of flagship online services, such as iPlayer, is lower than we might expect: after nine years in operation, it is now used weekly by 13% of all adults (joint top with Netflix) and 21% of 16 34 year olds (second to Netflix)"



So without going through all the nitty gritty details, whats your opinion on the BBC.  Is it a dying or dead duck?  Im sure many will blame the 'internet' era?


My opinion: I am well under the average viewer age and looking at the BBC TV schedule, there is nothing to really represent any of my viewing interests.  Just look at tomorrows prime time viewing on BBC1 - EastEnders, MasterChef, Galapagos (doco).  Outside of prime time is reality shows such as - Homes under the Hammer, Fake Britain, Bargain Hunt etc.  So no wonder why the average age is high.  So, unless the BBC can cater for more the 18-40 year olds, then the BBC holds little interest in me.


Hear, hear !


The best channel they had going - BBC 3 HD - disavanished to the interweb


Edit: The new series of Doctor Who should bring the average age down a mite, my ten year old will be hooked anyway.

If it ain't broke don't fix it

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