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SONY KD-55A1 oled tv has become discoloured

Over the last few months my wall mounted SONY KD-55A1 oled tv has become discoloured in the centre of the panel all reds have a purple hue, yellows look green and white areas have a blue hue, but the outer areas around the panel are ok, the size of the affected area is approx. 600mm vertically and 500mm horizontally this area is directly in line with the folded power board.  The colours got even worse when I was requested to do a panel refresh, this tv is out of warranty and when I purchased it over 20 months ago I paid nearly £2000. For the last 30 all my electrical entertainment products have been high end Sony of which I have recommended to family and friends but this purchase though the most expensive is a massive let down.  The thing is what can I do to fix this issue I have tried unplugging and resetting to no avail and the centre of the panel  is extremely hot.  Any advice is most welcome.

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