
4K HDR Content on XF9005 Too Dark and colorless, washed out - Pure source.

I have read similar posts about Dark and washed out HDR 4k, (when watched on youtube) but that

did not help my problem.Neither did answer my questions I am not watching 4k on youtube but through an external HDD connected to usb port.

I am new to 4k HDR, and this tv is new and after I tried to play pure , I repeat, "pure" 4k content through usb using the internal tv player, I was really dissapointed.

First of all 4k looks very dark, compared to 1080p (same source) even with the brightest settings I tried. I increased gamma, black, every brightness setting nothing. Its just looks worse and almost unbearable to watch.

Also it looks less colorful than 1080  blu ray and a bit more washed out . I do not understand if there is some setting I must do or if thats how 4k looks like, or it is just the specific model of Sony.

I would appreciate if someone could help . Ty.

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