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Reduce the picture quality of the kd-49x8305c after upgrading to the new version of Android7, V5.3


 My Tv(kd-49x8305c) first Android was 5. I was not satisfied with the quality of the image by providing the best antenna and equipment. It was a bit of a shade and a lot of light on the internal digital channels. Fortunately, as soon as the update to the Android 6 version, in addition to improving many factors, the image was very clear and perfect. The same thing I expected from Sony. I was pretty happy until today I did an update to Android 7 (v5.381), unfortunately, network images reappeared again. They were a bit opaque and brighter and less quality. And the problem did not fix the manual settings! Now I need your help. - Is there a possibility to return to my previous update? - If the answer is negative. Understand how my problem is resolved?

Of course, I've posed this problem with Sony support and I'm waiting for the answer.

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