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[Master Thread] YouTube discontinued on some devices (2012 and older)

Hello All

As you have already seen in the subject above, it is sadly unfortunate that Google will no longer support the YouTube application on 2012 and older Sony televisions, video and audio products from 20 April 2015.  Many 2012 devices may have 2 YouTube icons.  If you have the white square YouTube icon, this will still be supported.

This is a decision that is well outside of Sony's control. Many other manufactuerers/brands will also be affect by this.

Please see Sony's FAQ for more information as well as the full list of devices affected:


Please also see YouTube's announcement:

I understand that may of you will be upset by this (including myself!), To voice your displeasure and a show of solidarity, please click the "Me Too" button on this first post.

If you feel that you wish to comment, please do so in this thread only.  However can you please keep it within forum rules.  

Thank you all

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