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Internal modem of FX605 blocks / Modem des FX605 blockiert
Have a problem with the internal modem when dialling in.
When the line is engaged it means damn- again to reboot the computer, it cannot dial any longer as a result of the engaged line. Much worse, when there are programs opened in which I am working, they have all to be closed and everything to be rebooted.
In details:
The computer dials with the modem but the line is engaged. When attempting to redial, it does not connect at all to the telephone network, it does not pick up the line, it does not dial physically. It can be monitored on the pop-up window of the modem/dialler were in a mad speed line after line runs down of dial attempt (1), (2), ∧ so on.
I suspect, that there are TWO programs (or THREE?) for the modem on the laptop (and a MODEM-program?), which all are in competition with each other. Sometimes only a minimal pop-up window for the dialling process opens, then a medium one, and then a large one with a lot of options.
I am only a user, but whoever did this (these) program (s) and put it (them) in the system is a "simple nerd with no pride of proper work", I would never dare to produce such dim-witted products in my profession.
Probably it needed some cryptic changes or Windows-settings which a normal user cannot do.
Posted this in several user groups but nobody has an answer.
Sony itself replied to an email, that they only deal in English language. That is fine with me, but they should write this on their webpage and not waste people's time.
Computer: Sony FX605 Laptop
System: Windows Xp Home
Built-in modem: Conexant-Ambit SoftK56 Data,Fax Modem (COM3)
Hopefully somebody knows something
Habe ein Modem Problem beim Einwählen.
Falls einmal die Leitung besetzt ist heißt das gleich, oh-je, Computer neu starten, es kann nicht mehr gewählt werden. Noch schlimmer ist es wenn die Verbindung unterbrochen wird, dann kannste alle Arbeitsprogramme schließen und alles nochmals neu starten.
Das ist so:
Der Computer wählt mit dem eingebauten Modem, die Leitung ist besetzt. Beim Versuch wieder zu wählen, wird erst gar nicht die Telefonleitung abgehoben, es wird auch kein physikalisches Wählen vorgenommen. Das läuft dann mit einem Affenzahn auf dem Modem-Bildschirm ab, Wählvorgang (1), dann (2) etc.
Mein Verdacht ist, dass es auf dem Laptop ZWEI Programme (oder DREI ?) für das Modem gibt (und ein MODEM-PROGRAMM?) die alle miteinander konkurrieren. Manchmal wird nur ein kleines Fenster beim Einwählen geöffnet, dann wieder ein großes auf dem DFÜ-... steht, dann wieder ein sehr großes Fenster mit einer ganzen Menge an Optionen.
Ich bin nur ein Anwender, aber wer auch immer das (die?) Programm geschrieben hat und dann als Betriebssystem gebündelt ist ein Simpel ohne Selbstwertgefühl", denn ich mache in meinem Beruf auch nicht so einen Mist.
Vielleicht braucht es einiger kryptischer Befehle und Windows-Konfigurationen die ein normaler Anwender nicht vornehmen kann.
Habe das schon mehrmals in usergroups angesprochen, aber keiner weiss eine Antwort.
Rechner: Sony FX605 Laptop
Betriebssystem: Windows Xp Home
Eingebautes Modem: Conexant-Ambit SoftK56 Data,Fax Modem (COM3)
Vielleicht weiß jemand was
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I have the same on a FX705
I rang Sony 3 times but after thier suggested adjustments still cannot get this modem to work properly.
I have to keep clsoing everything down and rebooting to get online.
Did you find a solution?
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and thank you for the reply.
I have tried several avenues to solve this problem, however unsuccessful so far.
The notebook seems to be dependent on the software that drives this internal modem. It is unbelievable for me, that such a strong machine blocks because of the quirks of an internal modem.
I find it also hard to believe, that no updated driver seems to be available anywhere. The producer of the modem http://www.conexant.com/customer/md_support.html says that they do not make the software but the notebook producer does, that is Sony:
Conexant designs the chipsets for the technology, which are in turn custom-designed for every manufacturer we do business with. As such, we suggest that if you have an issue with your modem to please contact your manufacturer for information regarding things like drivers, installations, repairs and upgrades.
I found some information in the support center of the computer, that there are sometimes software settings preventing a modem of re-dialling until being re-set:
In German:
Problem: Alle gesendeten Faxe verbleiben im Ordner Ausgangsfach und weisen den Status Gesperrt auf.
Ursache: Einige Modems weisen eine Fehlfunktion auf, die dazu führt, dass beim Sperren einer Nummer alle Nummern gesperrt werden.
Lösung Wenn Sie ein externes Modem verwenden, sollten Sie das Modem aus- und wieder einschalten. Wenn Sie ein internes Modem verwenden, sollten Sie den Computer neu starten.)
[size=18]In plain English:
All sent faxes remain in the Out-tray and have the status locked.
Cause: some modems have an error function, that when a number is blocked it leads to all numbers being blocked.
Solution: if you use an external modem, then you should turn the modem off and on again.
[size=18]If you use an internal modem, you should re-start the computer.
There seems to be no software access to this modem to change settings or to re-set the modem.
Is the chipset in this notebook of low quality?
Re-boot the whole notebook if the modem blocks - a rather challenging idea by a notebook producer.
Anyone out there from Sony who looks into this forum at all?
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I have the same on a FX705
I rang Sony 3 times but after thier suggested adjustments still cannot get this modem to work properly.
I have to keep clsoing everything down and rebooting to get online.
Did you find a solution?
Peter !sad.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=sad|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=sad.gif!
I have found some explanation on http://www.modemsite.com/56k/soft56.asp :
Rockwell, now Conexant, doesn't make modems - they make chipsets and develop the firmware/drivers and sell them to various modem manufacturers. The Rockwell/Conexant Soft56 (also referred to as HSF) is a HSP - host signal processor - modem. [size=18]This type of modem is the "worst" kind - all modem functions are carried out by your PC, and the modem card only contains circuitry to connect to the telephone network. That is not to say the modem will not work well: the CPU load on today's high-clock-speed computers may not be significant; and, depending upon line conditions and firmware level, a decent 56k rate and throughput may be achieved in some instances.
The modem "firmware" is a virtual device driver for the Windows operating system. As with any 56k modem, the quality of the 56k implementation in firmware is an important factor affecting connectivity. You may be able to use later drivers from a source other than the vendor of your Soft56 modem. (Firmware and Driver as used on this page means the same thing.)
The Soft56 modem is included in a variety of low-end computer system packages - including E-Machines. Hewlett-Packard is including the Soft56 in some of its bottom-of-the-line systems.
No surprise, that this weakest part in the chain devalues the whole Sony VAIO PCG FX605 notebook, what a shame.
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Thank you to Arheru who at this Club-Sony thread <a href="http://www.club-vaio.sony-europe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1229#1229" target="_blank">http://www.club-vaio.sony-europe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1229#1229</a>
Joined: 18 Aug 2002
Posts: 4
Location: Birmingham, England
Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 10:25 am Post subject:
Will do, I know how everybody is frustrated by spending exorbitant amounts of money on a notebook that doesn't function properly.
I was doing a bit of research last night on the Conexant modem and stumbled across this thread at a message board by the name of "VAIO Village". You can find it here.
The general consensus is that the Conexant modem really is as bad as you can get modem wise as efup@efup.freeserve.co.uk mentioned in his post above. "Software driven, takes too much of the CPU's resources" etc. I guess at this point if it is down to the low end modem, you can either get a dedicated PCMCIA card modem which is hardware, not software based; a USB modem or broadband...
"Return to eternity"
[size=18]pointed to this thread at Global Village http://pub173.ezboard.com/funofficialsonyfrm8.showMessage?topicID=506.topic about the fact that Sony knows about this problem and does not appear to offer it's customers an improved driver.