Removal of VEWD TV Store

Removal of VEWD TV Store

I notice Vewd is going to be removed from my Sony Tv.  Is it going to be replaced with something else? If not how am I to download apps I want/ need??

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Hi all,


I would like to make a clarification on this matter since it is important for you and all others reading this topic to know.


VEWD TV Store is offered only on Sony TVs which have a Linux Operating system. This application was meant to provide you with limited select apps in order to provide a near SMART TV experience. All applications that have already been installed on your TV will continue to work after the removal of the VEWD TV Store. The ability to download, install or upgrade existing applications on your TV will be made not possible after the removal of the VEWD TV Store.


IMPORTANT: The suggestion is to make sure you download, install or upgrade all applications you intend to use in the future before midnight tonight June 24th.


For those of you interested in getting much more from your TV compared to the limited offerings on the VEWD TV Store, the suggestion is:


* to invest in a Roku Streaming Stick+ if you are looking for the ultimate offerings in 4K HDR (e.g. BBC iPlayer UHD support).


* or if you don’t have a 4K HDR TV you also can opt for the Roku Streaming Stick which offers the same collection of apps in 1080p HD. 


Please feel free to post your comments or questions to us.





[Edit]: Rectified information after correct consultation



There are two stores available on the older non-Android Sony TVs, Vewd & SEN. 

The issue with the TV is that the TV does not run the apps itself, the "installed" apps are merely links and run remotely, so saying to install them before the date shows you dont use the model we have. The vewd app/opera store is merely the doorway to our apps, removing that removes them all!


The app most people are likely frustrated about is Plex, there are two version one for each store, the SEN one has been blacklisted for a few months (for unknown reasons) which left us with the Vewd one, yet we are about to lose the whole vewd store.


In both apps all it does is call the following URL in full screen:
You can use the built in browser and view this, but its painful to unuseable without a mouse, the app store versions are navigatable with the remote.


There are currently 3 methods to solve the issue:


1) Sony correct the SEN entry as follows:

Currently its: 
"icon": "", "title": "Plex", "uri": "kamaji://OPA-PLEX-5"


It needs to be:
"icon": "", "title": "Plex", "uri": "kamaji://OPA-PLEX-7"


2) You run a curl command to use the TV's API to launch plex (


3) You buy a firestick. This is a bit of a joke as I shouldnt have to buy 3rd party hardware to make my £1000 TV function the same as every other manufacturers.


The frustrating thing for us is that when you call I'm just reminded that under the T&C Sony can do whatever they want and I have no recourse beacuse the contract ended. I never took out a contract with vewd, I was never told the life expectancy of my "smart" TV was limited, no one would buy a TV knowing that a large chunk of the features could just be removed whenever they want.



Alguna persona puede ayudar . Sony quita todas las aplicaciones de su Smart TV .estafaron a sus clientes que confían en esta marca. Acabo de perder opera atore . Ya no se pueden ver canales. Hay forma de poner una demanda masiva a esa empresa por robo. Gracias


I agree with you I have raised a complaint with Sony support team today I suggest that all of you do the same to push Sony to find a solution

I did but... its sony

i have no idea why they are so mad, they make alot of software and they stop supporting products $#!!@$ SONY. i need to replace more than 50 TV on my workplace hotel.


could you plz give me the link, i would write one also, even that i dont think it will change anything,and i dont want to read ( we apologize for inconvenience  ) becouse thats is #¤¤%&¤//¤%#"


You can buy 50 fire stick or 50 google chromecast , or 50 android TV instead , as some suggested.
i ended up pay 50€ to a law price andorid TV..

But i will never ever repeat this mistake and buy SONY again.
i cant believe  how they get a way with this.. and they are not saying more that Sory for inconvenience !!!! #¤%&//())(/&

You will end up paying from your pocket to fix this issue even that you pay already for this , yah  Sony are smart, but not their TVs.

I just got mail from sony support, their answer was to ger android box and then i can have the apps that i want. This cant be worst..