Removal of VEWD TV Store

Removal of VEWD TV Store

I notice Vewd is going to be removed from my Sony Tv.  Is it going to be replaced with something else? If not how am I to download apps I want/ need??

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I have just got off the phone with Sony, they are either going to renew the contract with Vewd or we will recive an update with ref to a replacement, but they have no information as of yet.


I will be calling them back after the cut off date if i have not heard from them, I will keep you all updated





Thanks for the info. In an attempt to get around the problem quickly however, I bought an Amazon Fire Stick (£30) connected it up, loaded the PLEX app in a few seonds and works beautifully, very simple to install and use.

This is a perfect and fairly cheap way to solve the problem of missing or deleted apps on these non android sony tv's, as it allows access to all of the android apps and much more.

@dancerdave wrote:

I  have the same problem. I use PLEX to watch programmes, but this was discontinued on my 2 year old tv, a month or so ago. However I found that by using the Opera app, I could use VEWD and access plex from there. However on 25 june, Opera (renamed VEWD) will also be discontinued.


This is absolutely unacceptable and possibly even illegal, as Sony is removing something that was included in my original tv purchase.

Ironically Sony have a track record for removing things that were included at the time of purchase, i.e the PS3 and the old let's allow Linux but actually remove it scenario. I have called today and asked about it and they have also stated that they are looking at replacement options, however, they won't know what's coming until after the 25th of June! This is unacceptable as many people use the likes of Plex and IPTV yet removal of the opera/vewd will block all use of that. I did ask the support person I spoke to about getting the sources etc for drivers as open source, but apparently Linux, which the TV runs is not open source for the TV. I did then suggest how about using the android go framework which is designed for lower power devices to be told if you want android, then you need to buy a different model. So at the minute Sony's attitude is we are removing the app store, tough, if you want a better os or the ability to continue with a smart TV, then go out and buy a better model. Otherwise translated you want smart TV you pay us more money! Time to go and support a smaller company like cello who are cheaper and alot of great reviews, oh and they run android!

Couldn't this be sueable under false advertising?  My tv is a little over 2 years old.  I will never again buy a Sony product and will discourage everyone I know from buying one - this renders my tv useless as the plex app is all use the tv for, I do not watch regular tv.

@dancerdave  escreveu:

I  have the same problem. I use PLEX to watch programmes, but this was discontinued on my 2 year old tv, a month or so ago. However I found that by using the Opera app, I could use VEWD and access plex from there. However on 25 june, Opera (renamed VEWD) will also be discontinued.


This is absolutely unacceptable and possibly even illegal, as Sony is removing something that was included in my original tv purchase.

Hi guys... In regard of this problem with Vewd I've been searching for some solutions, and I found this link here.

I don't you guys be mine ''ginapig'', but I don't have a non Android TV so I cannot try this, at least I trying to find some solution..

IF someone can try this and leave the feedback here would be super!


Hugo C.

Hello @Alec_Moffatt,


the best option would be to purchase a Google Chromecast, Apple TV or Amazon Fire TV Stick and connect that via HDMI to get access to either the Google PlayStore or the AppStore.


- Nic


I have the same issue Vewd will be removed from my smart TV and thus it will not be smart anymore.

have the same issue now , i cant beleave how careless Sony is with this. 
removing the App that make Sony smart TV , smart and let all those users buy another devices to support there weak softwares. 
how this could be acceptable! its essential application. if i knew that it will be removed i would return the TV the next day and took my mony back. 

i really hope that someone start a lawsuit against them and win. 
No more sony for me and hopefully for everyone i know, there is way better TVs with way better softwares and customer support .

They are still selling smart tv s from 2018 so they must have some responsibilitis

No doubt! @Zoki84


But ignite rage in the topics ''just because'' is not helping...

I get the people who will be afected by this, but I still believe that the brand will give the user/customers some options...

AND for what I know, until June 25 you can install the apps that you guys want, and they still going to work on June 26 and on...! but you cannot install more ''new'' apps in June 26.. thats my understanding.