RDR HXD870 stuck in update mode


RDR HXD870 stuck in update mode

My HXD870 gets stuck in update mode. I’ve tried the solutions from five years ago, which worked for me then, but this time I can’t access any menus or anything I’ve recorded or play a DVD. Mechanically the machine seems fine. Anyone else getting the same issue?

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It will be a shame if this can not be recovered in some way as these are just such brilliant machines. Lets see what the extended power down period does.


Also worth mentioning is that when you power these up from an extended period of inactivity (not connected to mains) then it is normal for them to launch into 'Update' mode for anything up to 10 to 15 minutes, however it should still be possible to simply overide that and start using it normally.


Plugged back into mains & aerial after leaving it off for over 48 hours. Went into update mode, left it for an hour and a half during which red timer symbol flashed on and off. Eventually held the on/off button for 10 seconds and it switched off. Switched it back on, no time on display, red timer symbol still flashing on and off. DVD tray opens using button on front of player. 

For a minute or two I can change channels on player using remote, channels are still there so doesn’t appear to have done a factory reset. System menu, timer, title list and guide buttons on remote don’t get any reaction from TV. 

After that minute or two I get the green screen of death, looks like one of those magic eye pictures from the 90s, and the buttons on the player stop working again until I power it off and on again by a long press on the player power button.

Tried the factory reset (stop & power on/off) at various points in this cycle but it doesn’t appear to do anything.

I’ve left it powered down but attached to aerial & mains. 


It doesn't sound promising I have to say, and yet I'd still be reluctant to condemn it somehow.


The factory reset is a firm and long press on 'Stop' before pressing power button. You keep the stop button pressed in hard and only then do you press the power button while still firmly holding stop. Momentarily releasing the stop button, even for an instant will stop it resetting.


Are all other leads removed such as HDMI and SCART ? If not then try again with all those out of the equation. Try the reset with all those disconnected and see if the player behaves differently.


If it really does refuse to reset after all this then I think you have taken things as far as is realistically possible... which is a shame because these are such fantastic machines.


Yes, like you I am reluctant to give up! Also it looks as if combined PVR/DVDs aren’t made so much any more, I can’t find that Sony do one. I guess cable / satellite connected boxes have taken over, and I don’t have or want that.
I am going to leave it overnight to see if the next scheduled update changes anything, then tomorrow I will try the reset as you suggest. Should I unplug the aerial as well as the SCART?
Really appreciate all your help.

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Having problems accessing the site again. This time a Sony generated message saying 'we are working on it'. Again trying via email reply... lets see what happens.

The aerial shouldn't really make any difference, however Scart and HDMI conceivably could as they 'communicate' for want of a better word data to and fro.

Received by email so at least something’s working!
Just tried it, before I saw your response, so had unplugged cable to aerial, aerial connection to TV and SCART. Also unplugged it from mains for a couple of minutes first. As soon as I powered on again it went back into update mode. I’m going to let it think about that for a while. So many combinations of things to try!

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I left it in update for nearly 24 hours before breaking the cycle by switching it on. I fear Mooly01 that we have to give up and accept that it is dead. It is a deceased player. Unless my stubbornness forces me to have one more go of every combination of button press over the weekend. Thanks again for all your help


Its not looking promising I have to admit. The factory reset should work come what may... and it isn't. Just to be 100% sure I have attached the procedure from the service manual.


Your choices are now limited. If its a hardware failure then realistically it is probably beyond economic repair. There is however one more possibility that might be worth looking into.


These machines have a small 'backup' power supply to keep some of the logic alive when power is removed. Its not a battery but a small capacitor (see image). Faced with an issue like this (it used to be the day job) I would consider discharging the capacitor to totally reset everything. There are no guarantees but it would be the next logical step.


If you are interested I can look at where this capacitor is located and whether its very easily accessible. If it is then its a case of deliberately shorting it out with a bit of wire to discharge it. All this is done with the player NOT CONNECTED to the mains.


Thats really as far as something like this could be taken. Beyond this and its major faultfinding but this does still have all the hallmarks of a locked up system processor.






Yes, that’s the page I’ve been following too, p158. I’m game to have a go at the capacitor, IT support is the day job and I used to do PC hardware. I also read the manual (I know, I know) and looked up what the flashing timer meant - it’s all to do with the disc, definitely with c not a k so the DVD not the HDD. None of the potential issues make sense.

Finally with all the plugging and unplugging of the aerial I’ve noticed that the connection seems to be a bit loose as sometimes I have to move it around to get a signal to the TV. Not sure if it’s the aerial cable or could that be something loose in the player?