
Mastered in 4K



Anyone out there know if there are to be any new 'Mastered in 4K' Blu-ray releases apart from the handful that Sony gave away with their 4K television sets ? I keep searching but I reckon I've only accounted for about ten or so movies that are available in this format.


Interestingly I would have thought the likes of Lovefilm (now Amazon) would have the existing ones available in 4K remastered but apparently not.



If it ain't broke don't fix it
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Hey there


I count 19, from HERE (for the US) and 12 (actually 10 due to duplication) for the UK HERE


As an opinion, I cannot see Sony releasing any more at all.  I would assume all efforts are now going to proper 4K and maybe gearing up for the next generation of dics (when-ever that is)



Good find Quinnicus - what an interesting selection there is :rolling_eyes:


You may be right but I looked into the proposed high capacity (300GB or more) discs only the other week, turns out that they may be available soon but aimed at storage for businesses rather than 4K films at present anyway.


Personally I would like to see this happen along with the Blu-ray players required to play them, beats streaming which is what the West has gotten itself into - they say it is almost the demise of the disc for us :slight_frown:

If it ain't broke don't fix it
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@Jonnie1266 wrote:

what an interesting selection there is :rolling_eyes:

Am I detecting Sarcasm??  :nauseated_face:



@Jonnie1266 wrote:

You may be right but I looked into the proposed high capacity (300GB or more) discs only the other week, turns out that they may be available soon but aimed at storage for businesses rather than 4K films at present anyway.


Personally I would like to see this happen along with the Blu-ray players required to play them, beats streaming which is what the West has gotten itself into - they say it is almost the demise of the disc for us :slight_frown:


Wasnt aware about it being aimed at storage.  But either way, I still think there is still some life in the physical media (at least one more generation).  Streaming (at this stage) can only go so far.  Yes we will have better compression (H.265....) however it still limits the overall bitrates.  Whats the point of streaming 4K thats been compressed to high-hell and limited bitrates.  Might as well buy it on bluray. 


Me personally, I find streaming on 'everyday' movies and TV shows fine.  However for other stuff that I either LOVE or want to actually keep, I want that physical disc with all the crystal clear high-bitrate goodness :slight_smile:


I have a media player connected to my TV, with 10TB of storage attached (soon to be 14TB) and literally 'stream' my bluray collection to the TV (no compression, full disc) - try doing that over the internet :slight_smile:

@Quinnicus wrote:

Me personally, I find streaming on 'everyday' movies and TV shows fine.  However for other stuff that I either LOVE or want to actually keep, I want that physical disc with all the crystal clear high-bitrate goodness :slight_smile:

I have a media player connected to my TV, with 10TB of storage attached (soon to be 14TB) and literally 'stream' my bluray collection to the TV (no compression, full disc) - try doing that over the internet :slight_smile:

Are you fully in line with you own motto :smileywink:, and have prepared your livingroom for the future, @Anonymous  ?


Btw. Blue ray disc is also bitrate limited by compression.

I think I'll wait to around 2020 with all the 4k stuff.:smileyquestion:

Not applicable

@Nielsen  - LOL, I know I have contradictions!  If you would like to send me a blank cheque (which wont bounce), id be very happy to install all those 22.2 speaker system, a 8K or 16K UHD TV too :grin:


In my dreams.