Fantasy Football 2013/2014

Fantasy Football 2013/2014



To celebrate that Sony’s Hawk Eye goal line technology is being introduced in the new Premier League season, I thought we should have a Sony Community Fantasy Football league!


Do we have any football fans here? is the link you’ll need. You’ll need to sign up first and then you’ll be able to create your team.


Then each match day you’ll be given points based on clean sheets, goals, etc. You’ll be able to make subs and transfers throughout the season. You can find all the rules here:


Once your team is created, you’ll be able to join the league.


Sony Community league code is: 948955-247252


Good luck everyone!


Do you think goal line technology will have an impact this year? Who are your picks for the top 4/bottom 3?

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Haven't made it through the team selection yet lol

I spent a day on and off looking at players then gave up.

There are several tactics to use but I just don't know which one lol



Not applicable

To be honest and frank.  I dont know many of the players at all.  Pure guess, based on prices !

I had a quick look and it does look more complicated than the other one. I hear you get a point every two crosses. :thinking:

Not applicable

Thanks Drewde - DIdnt even look at the scoring until you mentioned it.  Im wondering if an 'all-round' team is rewarded better than just pure goal scoring (as like the other FF)



Every player receives points for what he does on the pitch, based on the statistic analysis of the match. Depending on their success, players will receive positive or sometimes even negative points. The following points are awarded during the evaluation:

 Action Points Goalkeeper  Defender  Midfielder  Forward 
 Playing 1-30 minutes 1
 Playing 31-60 minutes  2
 Playing 61+   3
 Goal  5
 Assist*  3
 Clean sheet (only if player plays more than 61 minutes)  4   4  1  0
 Every save/blocked shot  1  2  2  2
 Penalty save  5
 Every 2 balls delivered into penalty area  1
 Ball recovered (Midfielder) 0 0 1 0
 Every 2 balls recovered (Defender) 0 1 0 0
 Every 3 fouls   -1
 Every 2 goals conceded (Goalkeeper and Defender)   -1 -1  0
 Yellow card  -1
 Red card (straight red)  -3
 Own goal  -2
 Foul causing a penalty  -1
 Penalty miss  -2

BONUSES (are available only if a player plays more than 31 minutes)


 Bonus Points  Goalkeeper Defender  Midfielder  Forward 
 Save rate > 80 per cent  1      
 Passes completion > 80 per cent    1  1  
 Attempts rate> 80 per cent        1

* An assist is awarded to a player who plays the final successful pass which leads to a goal. Please note that assists are not awarded to players who are fouled for free-kicks or penalties which lead to goals, for own goals or for goals which result from rebounds off other players or the woodwork.

Your team captain, which you can change for each round, will score double points. If you fail to select a captain then no player will score double points.

Cheers for the info Quinnicus :wink:

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@MK_Slinky - Want to join the Sony FF league??


I Know you want to :slight_smile:

Hey Quinnicus,


Thanks for the invite but I absolutely hate football! I would rather stick pins in my eyes and watch paint dry.., sorry!


No offence! :worried:

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
Not applicable

No worries - I feel the same with Golf !

Not applicable

@jumpsuit  - UNBELIEVABLE !!


He who cannot be named, instead of standing down or being sacked, running for 5th term.


I cannot write the words that I feel about him.  It would be all ******* ***** **** **** *****   :grin:

I think you are totally wrong.

In fact I love them. They have helped the sport so much, and they are a real credit to professional management.

I have not been paid to say this but did receive a letter informing me that I am actually going to be hosting the 2022 tournament in my garden.