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KDL50W755CBU causing signal drop to other tvs

KDL50W755CBU causing signal drop to other tvs


Perhaps someone can help.


I have the above Sony TV. I am running signals from Sky Q box to this tv.

The problem i will describe also occurs when using a Samsung Blu Ray as the source.


Im running the Sky q box to a tv to an office at the top of the house (Samsung) and also more locally to the kitchen. (LG)

I have a constantly occuring hdmi handshake problem with the other 2 tvs when the Sony is in standby.

The signal will drop entirely sometimes 3 or 4times an hour.

I have just bought a  Yamaha receiver as i believed my Denon AVR1610 was at fault.This problem will manifest even if i run signals directly without going through the amp. I am using a USBNOVEL 4 Way HDMI Splitter i can also get the same problem with a Neet 2 way splitter.

I placed the small LG tv in the same place in the system as the Sony and TV upstairs and i was absolutely stable.

I have been through all HDMI handshake options, disabled apps etc etc. Update guide off. youview disabled. Sony Select /Shelf etc.

Disabled wifi/disconnected LAN.

Running 6.01 software.

It is only when the TV power cable is removed or disconnected from the splitter that 2 other TVs regains a stable signal and are 100% rock solid.

Can anyone suggest why this TV is messing up my system. Its not a matter of cable runs, cable quality, or other kit, as i have tested everything to exhaustion.

As soon as this TV is introduced to the set up and left in standby via the green remote button.


I have read about similar problems when people are using audio kit through a connected receiver. But not seen anyone have this issue with TV signals.


Having been through all the permutations i have narrowed the problem down without a shadow of doubt to this *&&^*** TV.

I have spent about 2 weeks of my life in total so far on this problem.

Last sony product ever.

Thankyou for any advice.


[profanity removed by moderator]


Hi shindigger, welcome to the Sony Community :slight_smile:


It doesn't look like anyone has experienced anything similar, so it's probably worth running this by Sony Support. I've escalated it for you and will get back to you with any reply.




Thanks Mick.
I tinkered with the eco settings this pm and it seems to have sorted it.
Hard to believe nobody else had this problem at some point been driving me

Hi @shindigger, thanks for following this up.


The Support team weren't able to replicate your problem, but they did mention splitters being problematic in some set-ups, creating unique issues like yours.  


Really pleased you found the solution in the end! It may be that your situation isn't totally unique and it may help others if you can remember the settings that fixed it?

