
KD-49XE8005 updates

I have a Sony KD-49XE8005 purchased in December 2017. While the picture quality is impressive, the onboard software is woeful. According to the support page for this device, a firmware update is due but continues to be delayed; however, the page says that as long as my TV shows that I have the firmware number PKG6.5603.xxxx or higher then my TV is up to date:


My TV, however, is running firmware PKG6.2858.0083EUA which is therefore not up to date. If I ask the TV to search for a software update, it says my TV is up to date!


Is there a way of getting to PKG6.5603.xxxx of any variety? This may well solve many of the issues I am experiencing with the TV, which primarily include slow response UI, an inability to connect to WiFi, and regularly dropping the wired wifi connection too, amongst others!


Many thanks for any guidance.




Hi Mark,


We'll check into your firmware question and get back to you when we can.


Best wishes,


@markinapub  schrieb:

While the picture quality is impressive, the onboard software is woeful.

Well, that's Android TV on those slow and underpowered BRAVIA sets. Just check out the many reviews...

... runs Sony's version of the Android TV interface, which isn't as easy to use as some other smart platforms... The TV's main interface is unfortunately quite crowded, and often has moments of lag and choppy animations.



However, the Android part of the TV still runs on the same Mediatek 5891 SoC that was introduced in 2016 and it can hardly be characterized as potent. The Android interface always feels a little laggy and slow


Forbes / John Archer:

Aside from the Android 7 platform being a bit less buggy than previous iterations, it’s disappointing how many of the issues I had when I wrote that initial Android TV review still exist. Including the fact that the system still runs more sluggishly than rival smart platforms, and seems to slow down the TV's main operating menus a bit too.

I need to spare a (harsh) word for the 55A8F’s operating system. For as well as persisting with essentially the same horribly laid out and ‘squishy’ remote control Sony has bizarrely persevered with for generations now, the 55A8F also continues Sony’s relationship with Android TV. Right down to the same overbearing menus, confusing navigation paths, and lack of customization options. Worst of all, having to power Android TV causes both the 55A8F’s smart and basic control menus to run painfully sluggishly at times.


The Android TV system supports built-in Chromecasting, and recently had support for Google’s Voice Assistant software added. 

This still can’t save Android TV from being a typically frustrating smart TV experience, though. For starters, its full-screen menus look cluttered and confusing, and only support minimal amounts of customisation. It also erroneously seems to think in its layout that people will be more interested in playing often third-rate games on their TV than streaming video. And it’s horribly prone to needing regular and often pretty sizeable software updates. 

It runs sluggishly  and the processing power required to run it means the TV’s main operating menus can also react rather slowly to your remote control commands.


Is there a way of getting to PKG6.5603.xxxx of any variety?

Don't try. This update bricked quite some TVs. That's the reason why it has been pulled. It won't fix the issues you are describing anyway...

Hi Mark,


Welcome to the Sony Community. Your TV is running on the very latest firmware available to the public as of this moment. So there is no need to worry about missing an update at the moment. If you would like to be kept up to date on the latest firmware releases for your TV, try installing the Sony Support app for Android or iOS from their respective app stores.


Regarding your experience with the Android TV UI, you could try to perform the tips suggested in this video at your own risk to see if that improves matters for you. Referring to your Wi-Fi connection drops, the reason has to do with the high congestion of the frequency channel you are using for your Wi-Fi signal. Try reading this post for more information.


Keep us posted if we can help you any further.


