Bravia android tv tips.


Bravia android tv tips.

Morning all,


I've just purchased the above tv. I've read about the problems and glitches with it but overall I'm very happy.


What im not that happy with is my knowledge of the tv. There's little to no guidance on using many of the features. Google has helped but it would be nice to know people's top tips how to get the most out of the tv.


For instance where is google photos on the tv. When I send a picture from my album to the tv it opens the app, is it possible to save a picture as a background wallpaper?


Where is the option to browse my USB drive?


How do I cycle and then close open apps?


Thanks all.


Android TV is a lot more different from the Android you get on phones and tablets. There's a few things missing that I've noticed that you'd normally find on a normal Android device/tablet.


My workaround to viewing photos is to open the Photos app on my Android phone and 'casting' it to the TV via Google Cast. Works quite well this way. You're screwed if you have a Windows/iPhone though.


There's isn't a way to view all your open apps without going through Settings>Apps>Running Apps. Other than that, I've not found another way to see what's open.


I've not found a way to set a background wallpaper on my TV.


There's no proper way to browse a USB drive on this TV unfortunately. You could try the Videos app but you get all these system folders making it a faff trying to browse your media as it's all over the place! Other way is to download an app called ES File Manager and use that but a lot of my videos don't play when I launch them from this app.