43W755C Wall bracket issues


43W755C Wall bracket issues

Hi Guys, new to the forum, how you all doing. I have an issue im hoping you guys can help me with. I purchased the android tv 43W755C. It needed a sony specific wall bracket SU-WL450.

Heres the issue: The screw holes on the tv are M8 size. No screws supplied with the bracket are M8. Nothing fits the back of the tv. There were no screws in the back of the tv just empty screw slots.


i have been assured by sony that all screws are in the pack and it appears so and this is the only bracket compatible with the tv. So basically i cannot use the tv (stand is not an option).

Any help appreciated.


Ok..update: Seems there is screws missing from the tv box not the bracket. Im missing 2x screws and a saftey cable (for attaching to tv stand).