2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread: https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/kd-49x8305c-hdmi-2-3-4-inputs-not-working/td-p/1944435


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/netflix-support-for-kd55x8509c-android-tv/td-p/1945360 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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Well Mr John Pringle


So the people on here are serial moaners eh?


So why are you on this particular post, have you had problems with your TV and is that why you are here to find answers to them? 


Strangely so are other posters on here and they have a right to a point of view without being told that they are serial moaners.


I am sure you would not say this to their faces so let's have a bit of respect towards others please. 


Thank you. 


In my own case I subsequently went on to disble Youview, disconnected my USB flash drive, disconnected my USB air mouse and disabled the sync settings I didn't need, the last 3 weeks I can say that the TV hasn't missed a beat.

You mentioned disabling YouView - how do you do this? (please excuse me for not wading through 400+ pages of advice on how to deal with Currys :wink: )


YouView is ok, but seems pretty sluggish to me and I'd be intrigued to try TV without it.


The point is this TV is supposed to work with YouView and other features so why disable them?

If people do this all the time why not just buy a cheapo Tesco one?



Everyone is entitled to their opinion they just don't want to read someone saying the same things in their post of which you are expert at . I get notifications daily hoping Sony will have good news for all of us but no it's you saying the same old things that you said when you joined Not Everyone on here are not serial moaners but I believe you are

Sent from my iPad

I doubt you'll get any good news direct from Sony from this thread.  

Yep and I will carry on till Sony sort it out.


Mr John Pringle my I respectfully suggest you turn off your notifications if you don't like what I put?


I think you work for Sony anyway... you won't bully anyone on here with your snide posts as you can't answer any questions posed to you anyway. 


I really hope this TV lives up to the money I spent on it and I am giving Sony the chance to prove it.


New people are coming on here all the time and they need to see they are not alone with the problems they are having and the only way to say it is to put it on here.


Like it or lump it I'm here till its sorted out,  I only hope your not.


New people coming on here can see the problems from the 400+ pages.

You posting the same thing over and over doesn't help anything. You suggest someone turning off their notifications, how about you just return the tv? If not, just wait until the next update is released and see if that resolves any of the problems. Come and post then along with everyone else discussing.

I have notifications turned on for any advice people have on making the tv more stable, plus news on updates etc. Not to see you post every day around the same thing. I think you're the one who needs to step away from the thread.

Sent from my iPhone

I'm not on every single day so I think you need to look again. Lol 🙂

I will say you obviously don't read my posts fully either as I just said I am giving Sony a chance to prove this TV can work.

I have also said I am waiting for the next update to see if it solves the issues etc..again it seems you don't read my posts.


I understand you don't want to read my post so don't,  it's as simple as that as no one is forcing you too.


Maybe your another Sony employee?



You mentioned disabling YouView - how do you do this? (please excuse me for not wading through 400+ pages of advice on how to deal with Currys :wink: )

YouView is ok, but seems pretty sluggish to me and I'd be intrigued to try TV without it.

Home/Settings/Channel Setup/YouView Setup/Disable YouView.


But first try the 10-second reset by holding down the On/Standby button on the remote until the set reboots, and see if that doesn't notably speed up the YouView interface.


If you do turn off YouView though, I would in turn, be interested to know if, after a couple of days without a soft reboot, you find the Freeview EPG nippier, or just as sluggish as the YouView one.

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking
Not applicable

adyjay33 wrote:

Maybe your another Sony employee?



ROFLMAO - it seems everyone is a Sony employee according to some.


Are you a Samsung employee? :nauseated_face: