2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread: https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/kd-49x8305c-hdmi-2-3-4-inputs-not-working/td-p/1944435


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/netflix-support-for-kd55x8509c-android-tv/td-p/1945360 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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Have any early adopters who bought direct from Sony online returned their sets recently under the SOG act? I remember someone having to email the CEO of Sony Europe but any advice on how you successfully returned would be appreciated.


Hey Adyjay33,


One of the primary reasons I bought this (in August 2015) was as it had PIP and PAP.


Support site still lists both as due:


Picture in Picture/Picture and Picture This feature will be available before 31st March 2016. However, due to the technical complexity implementing this feature, the final release date(s) stipulated on our support site may be subject to change. PIP/PAP will be available for HDMI/Tuner combination via the latest firmware update.**

My Model KD43X8309CBU

Yep many people bought it for the HDD and PIP/PAP facility but have been very sadly let down.


Its a joke that in this day and age you can put a man in space and land on the Moon but you cant get a TV to work as a TV properly.


Sony you really need to get new code makers as the ones you have are actually pretty useless!


Ok anyone is free to have its own desire and in anycase what is stated should be there ... but buying a TV for PIP/PAP feature ...... I've it on my Sony Tv since 2008 and I used it let's say 3 times?

My feeling is that sometimes in this thread there are some real critical problems (that not everyone is experiencing) and some are put just to keep the thread growing. Maybe I'm wrong since I do not have the problems otherways probably I would be angry too...


I bought my Sony KD-49X8305C in September 2015, well aware that this was an Android TV. I have both Nexus 7 tablet and Samsung Galaxy s5 smartphone, and yes they have issues too.


This TV has worked pretty well, but compared to my old Sony 40" LCD that I bought back in 2009 it's not comparable, that one never gave me issues like I'm having now.


It seems though that these issues started after the latest update of the software (06.01.2016). I'm also using an Denon suroundsound receiver, AVR-X2200W with Sony HDMI cabels, connected to the TV via the ARC (HDMI4). Sometimes the TV picture is not shown, and I only get the sound from the selected channel, and that is the same if I choose Blu-ray or PS3 game. no picture on the TV! Force rebooting the TV solves the problem, sometimes. But today the TV cannot be shut down, the HOME screen is displayed and even when pressing the power button on the remote, it's not rebooting,  pulling the power cord from the wall and reconnecting it, now luck, same state!


SONY should (read must) comme back us reporting issues here in the community, and I can see that we are many having simmilar issues!


I'm concerned that SONY has put Android as their TV OS, since it's reallt not a stable platform, on any device I've yet used.




I don't think Android TV itself is entirely to blame, but rather Sony's implementation of it has involved a lot of bodging-together to get it to work with their existing TV software/platform. If the TVs were natively designed for Android there'd probably be fewer issues and no instances of having to deal with both Android and 'Sony'-style menus or interfaces. The whole thing seems to be relying on dozens of background services so that the OS can talk to the TV (and vice-versa) which is probably where it's all going wrong a lot of the time.




If its advertised as having something then it should have it... simple as
that... okay its promised to be put on it but facts are facts, HDD is
missing, PIP/PAP is missing, the stupid thing crashes, reboots, does all
sorts of things and to be honest it should not do so.

Android is a pretty stable system regardless of what people say, okay
nothing is perfect in life but this is no where even near to being perfect

If you buy a car you expect all the wheels to be there, but if its not well
you could complain as people are doing so on here, why some people are
getting more problems than others I do not know but I don't expect to pay
1k and have these problems at all!

Why are you saying the same things over and over we all know about the issues That poster earlier on in the thread was right there are some serial moaners on this site

Sent from my iPad

My advice is do not buy a sony bravia tv and if already you have return via
your retailer asap and go for a samsung or LG as they are far superior and
there os are so much better and they work without issues that need reboots
or factory resets !!!!!

@john.pringle wrote:
Why are you saying the same things over and over we all know about the issues That poster earlier on in the thread was right there are some serial moaners on this site

Sent from my iPad

People that have spent serious money on a TV only to find it doesent do what its supposed to are going to be much more vocal and who would blame them for venting their frustration.

So perhaps threads like this distort the reality of the TV's overall performance.

Take the John Lewis web site where I purchased my KD49X83 in December, 90 customer reviews rate it at 4 out of 5.

I rated it at 2 out of 5 and to be fair the full review was published on their site so critisiscm doesent get weeded out.

In my own case I subsequently went on to disble Youview, disconnected my USB flash drive, disconnected my USB air mouse and disabled the sync settings I didn't need, the last 3 weeks I can say that the TV hasn't missed a beat.

Sure Record would be nice as would PIP but in reality I rarely ever used them anyway so in my case there isn't a huge problem.

Sony's inaction regarding unquestionable problems with their Android TV's is unforgiveable however my feeling is that overall the problems are not as bad as this thread makes it appear.