Storage problem


Storage problem

Me dice que tengo 80 por ciento de memoria llena y no tengo tanta información almacenada para que esté lleno, también tengo un problema co. Un pixel muerto 

It tells me that I have 80 percent of full memory and I don't have so much information stored to make it full, I also have a co problem. A dead pixel - GT


Hi @Nelson856__, let me see if I can help out here.

I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.

Firstly, it seems as you have posted your quesry in the Xperia 5 board, which model of Xperia do you have? To find this information, find and tap Settings > System/About phone. 

Have you been able to carry out a quick test of the display to see if the hardware works as intended? Find and tap Settings > Support > Xperia tests > Display. Also, have you been able to check if there is an app taking up an unnecessary amount of storage?

Please get back to me with this information and I will do my best to assist you!