Z5 Compact USB Port


Z5 Compact USB Port


I own a Z5 Compact which I have had from new for about a year. I have already sent this back once under warranty for the problem that has been slowly developing again; the lack of charging/usb connectivity.

I only ever used to use the provided Sony usb cable and charger. I never move or have moved the phone whilst on charge unless absolutely necessary. Over time the usb no longer clicks into place and struggles to make a connection. Then, the only way I can charge my phone is to use a different usb cable; Samsung, Nokia etc.

These work for a month or two, before I have to find and move onto something else. Currently I am using the usb cable that came with my PS4, but, I am well aware that this is also becoming problematic. Is there anything I can do or has anyone else encountered this problem?

Obviously, putting it into safe mode, turning it on or off and upgrading the firmware will make no difference given the physicality of this problem. I am not sure how they fixed it last time, whether they replaced the port, cleaned it or what?




It'll be wise to get in contact with your Local support


On the Micro Usb cables there are 2 little latches on the under side, either something is blocking the holes they sit in or the latches on the cable have got weak


Hi @bdnm85,

I'm so sorry to hear about your phone. Slightly_frowning_Face

As you said, this is hardware related, so please follow the recommendation given by @uliwooly. Your local support team will gladly assist you with having the phone sent to an authorized service centre so it can be examined by a trained technician.

This may differ between markets, but here in the Nordics where I'm situated, you get a paper included with the phone when it gets returned from the service centre and on the paper it says what they did with the phone at the service centre, for example if they changed any parts.

The original USB cable that was included together with your phone, is this the same one that you have used all the time together with the phone, even before you sent it in the first time? If it is, I would recommend sending in the cable as well so it can be examined, just to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the "port" on the cable and that is why you keep having these troubles.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, it's never fun to have to send your phone in to service.

Let us know how it goes!



Yes, the original usb cable that came with the phone is the same one I always used to use. Unfortunatley, when it's imperative to charge the phone, I have to find an alternative soution with another usb cable. Strangely, the one that is the best at the moment is of Sony origin, so, it could suggest a problem with the original usb that came with the phone.

I will get in contact with my local support team hoping they can resolve this issue once and for all. I did send the usb cable in last time, but , unsure wether it was examined - will have to see if I can find the paperwork.

Thanks for everyone's time.



You're welcome, sorry that I weren't able to provide you with a solution, but it's hard when it's hardware related!

Best of luck with the repair and I hope everything will work out in the end so you can enjoy your phone and be able to charge it!


Your not alone my does just the same have to keep swapping leads and now the battery doesn't last all day I am beginning to think I'll have to get a new phone 


After years searching for a solution, I found one that turned the problem much smaller.

I stuck a pin in the phones connector and I removed an incredible amount of dirt from it, mainly in the upper part (where there is more space for the pin). This was preventing the connector from entering completely. Make it carefully in a stable position and with a lot of light. Under de connector is a bit more difficult, and for that part I used a nr. 10 staple. Try to clean the holes were the usb cable makes "click". The micro usb cable as 2 small pieces the make the cable stay in place, and the holes in the smartphone probably have a lot of dirt.

Make this at your own risk, because you can damage the connector doing it.

Don't ask me why this only happens with sony smartphones, but an obvious answer is that this is another design mistake from sony.