Satellite tuning guide for Sony TVs

Our Sony TVs are equipped with a powerful integrated satellite tuner so you don’t have to connect an external set-top box and use a second remote commander.
Since there are several satellite dish configurations on the market this guide gives you an overview of how to set-up your TV and tune for your favourite satellite stations.


  1. Scene1.gifWhen you set up your TV for the  first time, you will be asked if you would like to tune for satellite channels during the set-up process – please confirm with ‘yes’. If you would like to tune for satellite stations later, open the satellite tuning menu by going to the settings menu, selecting ‘Channel setup’, ‘Digital setup’, ’Satellite Set-up’ and finally ‘Digital Satellite-Tuning’. Please confirm by choosing ‘Yes’.

  2. Screen07.jpgFirst, select your Antenna set-up. Depending on your installation, you will need to select ’Fixed Antenna or DiSEqC’ or ‘Single Cable Distribution’. The second option can often be found in large buildings with lots of apartments. If you select ‘Single Cable Distribution’ you will probably be asked for Band and Band Frequency information to get everything working correctly. Ask your landlord or the satellite technician about those details and enter them into your TV. If you have selected ‘Fixed Antenna or DiSEqC’ there’s nothing else to configure. Click next to go to the next step.

  3. Screen11.jpgNow you have to select whether you would like to use a satellite provider or not. If you use a satellite provider (e.g. Sky) select ‘Preferred Satellite’ and choose your operator. If you select this option the TV receives the channel list from the operator – so the order may be fixed. If you don’t use a satellite provider, select ’General Satellite’. With this option you can sort your channels individually after tuning (an option that is also available with a satellite provider).

  4. IScreen12.jpgf you don’t run the initial set-up you will see this screen. Select an option  to proceed.

  5. Screen13.jpgIn this step you will see the list of available satellites. How many and which satellites you see depends very much on your antenna configuration. If you have a basic set-up with only one dish and LNB your screen will probably look like this screenshot. You can start the tuning process now. If you’re an advanced user, read on for how to customize your scan.

  6. Now it’s time to configure the satellite tuning process. Select the satellite you would like to configure by using the up and down buttons on your remote. Confirm by pressing ‘Enter’.
         a. Screen15.jpgThe first option allows you to enable or
             disable a satellite – usually you
             keep it activated.
         b. The next option allows you to change
             the scan type:
              > ‘Full Scan’ performs a full scan of all
                 channels within this satellite.
              > ‘Network Scan’ performs a scan
                 within the transponders of a
                 network (NIT scan).
                 This scan type is much faster than a full scan but you have to enter a transponder from
                 which the TV can get its network information.
              > ‘Manual Scan’ allows you to search for transponders manually.
                 Please note that you can’t tune for single stations – usually you receive
                 4-8 stations per transponder.
         c. Next, choose to tune for paid and free channels or free channels only. If you don’t use a CI+
             module to encrypt paid channels, select ’Free Services’. The TV will not scan for all the paid channels.
         d. As digital satellites provide lots of different services like TV, radio and data services the next option lets
             you select the channel type the TV should scan for. Select the appropriate option.
         e. If you have selected ‘Network Scan’ or ‘Manual Scan’ you can select which satellite you search for
             stations. Select the correct satellite from the list. This option is not available when selecting ‘Full Scan’.
         f. The transponder details need to be added when performing a network scan.
         g. The last option is the LNB setting screen. If you have an unusual LNB type you might need to change the
             settings according to your LNB but often no changes will be needed. The settings for your LNB can
             be found in the LNB manual, which your landlord or the satellite dish technician can provide.

  7. After finishing the set-up of your satellites press the ‘Start’ button. The TV will now perform a satellite scan according to your settings.

When the scan is complete you will be directed to the channel sorting screen. Here, you can change the channel order by using the arrow buttons on your remote and remove unwanted channels by pressing ‘Enter’. Please remember that you might not be able to change the channel list if you have selected a satellite provider at the start.


We hope you find this guide useful. If you have any further questions please post them below in the comment section.