Deel jouw ervaring!
I have had the BDV-E780W for just over 1 yr (just out of warranty) This issue with this system is that it will not switch on. If I leave it unplugged from the mains and no leads connected to the TV and then connect it again the 'Welcome' message appears and the goes out. Using the remote to switch the Unit on the HDMI message flashes, goes out and the Unit will not switch on again. Sometimes the Unit will work and stay on, I leave the unit on when I've finished watching TV or a DVD but the next morning the Unit will not come back on. That is my first issue. The second is with Sony Customer Service and I use the word 'Service' lightly. Not to bore you all with the details as it would seem like reading a short novel, the Customer Service at Sony (UK) is by far the most incompetent, unhelpful, inefficient I have ever come across. To be kept on hold (premium dial number) for over 20 minutes then told the system is down and they can not help me is unforgivable, but then to promise to call back the same day and fail to do that is just plain rude. Emailing is just as unproductive as they fail to act on the promises they make in emails. If you contact them again and they say that your 'Case Number' will be passed to a senior team member and someone will get back to you, do not believe it it's a lie. If you are considering buying any Sony Product THINK AGAIN.
Just a quick update on the above post. After this post I was email by a Sony 'customer service Relations officer' saying and I quote
I would also like to apologise for any inconvenience and disappointment in your dealing with our Customer Service Department. I will certainly be investigating this for you.
Twice I had to ring Sony after this email and had to send all the details Again. On both occasions they assured me that they would ring me back with a resolution to my problem, once again they failed to call me back. I've asked them for either a number or an email address for a member of their senior team so I can explain the frustrations I have had with the level of customer service I have recieved, my request has been ignored. It has now been nearly 2 months since I contacted Sony Customer Service about the issue with my Home Cinema and still nothing has been resolved. If anyone has any advice, numbers or email adresses of any senior members in Sony I would be grateful as I am at a loss on how to get Sony to deal with this.
Message was edited by: Satnav2012