Meet our photo competition winner


For our most recent photo contest, we challenged you to capture the theme of "Work". Meet our winner, Csaba, and find out how he captured the winning photo.


Firstly, can you tell us where you’re based and what you do?

I'm living in Budapest, Hungary and I'm a mathematician, working as a senior engineer at an IT company. As a serious passion I do photography for some dance companies and theatres.


When did you first get into photography and what was your first camera?

I started photography during my university study during the late '80s. My camera was a Praktica MTL 5B (still own it) and 2 lenses, 1.8/50mm and 2.8/29mm. This gear served me for several years.


How did you feel when you received the email to say that you’d won our photo competition again?

I'm very happy if my work gets recognition - thanks for choosing it - but I'm most happy if my picture can transmit to others the beauty that grabbed me when I made the shot. 


Can you tell us the story behind your photo? Where did the idea came from for this picture?

I visited the "Jazz and Wine" Festival in Veszprém, a city in the western part of Hungary. I received permission to photograph the performances there, but the more exciting theme for me was the local winemakers and farmers who were selling their products. When I saw the beautiful girl I immediately decided to take this picture. I asked her and she very kindly agreed. She was also very happy with the result and later this picture was used by her family to advertise their cheese products.


Finally, what would you advise to other photographers to get a winning picture?

For me photography is about "being there" and recognising opportunities. My recommendation is to go out with open eyes; the world around us is full with hidden beauties.