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XR65-AJ80 stereo/multichannel sound lost on web apps (iplayer, C4) when skipping

XR65-AJ80 stereo/multichannel sound lost on web apps (iplayer, C4) when skipping

I am wondering if anyone else has noticed the following issue.


When playing content on the UK catchup services apps (and others that use the HbbTV/web app scheme) with multichannel sound or just stereo: Sound is fine when played from the start of the programme. However, when fast forwarding or rewinding, sound reverts to mono. This is regardless of the output used (TV speakers, headset, HDMI ARC, optical out). 


I have already contacted sony support at the beginning of December 2023, exchanged 100+ e-mails. I had a service technician sent out to replace the mainboard with no effect (surprise!).


I have begged that this issue be forwarded to software engineering. All with zero success. 


What else can I do? Yes, I have already added a Chromecast with google TV, so that I now have 2 google TVs in one.




  1. Please read the full thread. The sound issue is present regardless of DNS/VPN, IP home country. This is not internet service related. It is identical on any web streaming 
  2. Please don't go down the route of blaming the customer. It is not always the customers' fault

And sorry, I can't refrain from commenting your suggested solution with the following. You might as well recommend that I refrain from using a SONY TV.
Community Team

Hey @newyankee 


I'd recommend in that case that you contact Sony support team again