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XR-55X94J i karta CI+ od UPC


XR-55X94J i karta CI+ od UPC

Kupiłem tv XR-55X94J tydzień temu i wszystko byłoby OK ale minusem jest pikselizacja na kanałach kablowych UPC przy korzystaniu z karty CI+. Pojawia się niespodziewanie w różnych sytuacjach. Nawet na kanałach niekodowanych np. TVP1 też jest. Czasami po porannym uruchomieniu (cała noc standby) nic nie można oglądać. Trzeba wyłączyć tv z zasilania. Mam trzy karty w domu, na różnych tv (Samsung full HD, Panasonic 4k) ale w nich pracują OK. Nie pomaga zmiana kart, reset tv do ustawień początkowych, zmiany ustawień. 

Spotkał się ktoś z taką sytuacją w tym tv  i czy jest na to jakaś recepta?

858 ODPOW. 858

Ale już mega długo nie wypuszczają żadnej aktualizacji. Ostatnia byłą w grudniu 2023. Chyba intensywnie pracują.

Już jest. 22 maja się pojawiła, ale nic ciekawego nie wniosła. Pikseloza na module CAM tak jak była tak jest.

Jaki numer?


No to jednak dobrze zrobiłem z przejściem na dekoder. Jakby ktoś przeszedł na dekoder Play Box TV i nie wie jak skonfigurować żeby obsługiwać TV i dekoder jednym pilotem od tv , to mogę wszystko opisać . Proste i polecam , obraz z dedykowanego tunera/ dekodera kilka razy lepszy od mizernego tunera/ dekodera MediaTek w tych tv .

Że niby z dekodera Playa jest lepszy obraz? Hehe. Zrobiłeś mi dzień!

Ale że widziałeś jak wygląda obraz z dekodera PlayBox4k czy tylko tak sobie smieszkujesz ? Bo ja widziałem zarówno na module jak i dekoderze UPCBox4k który był porażką i teraz na tym Play i jestem pozytywnie zaskoczony . Tuner/dekoder w naszych tv to MediaTek z średniej półki z 2015 roku . I nawet kiedyś umieściłem gdzieś tu w postach jego dokładny numer , można sobie znaleźć. Jak sam zobaczysz to będziesz miał porównanie i wtedy napisz swoją opinię ok?

Widziałem. Tuner nie ma nic do tego. Ważna matryca.

Title: Real Driver's License: A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining and Utilizing an Authentic License
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In today's fast-paced world, having a valid driver's license is an essential document that provides individuals with the freedom and independence to navigate the roads safely. However, the rise of counterfeit licenses and identity fraud has raised concerns about the authenticity of these documents. This blog post aims to shed light on the importance of a real driver's license, the process of obtaining one, and the necessary precautions to avoid falling victim to counterfeit licenses.

I. The Significance of a Genuine Driver's License (500 words)
A. Legal Compliance and Road Safety
- A real driver's license ensures compliance with local traffic laws and regulations, promoting road safety for both the driver and other road users.
- It serves as proof of identity and authorization to operate a motor vehicle, preventing unauthorized individuals from driving and reducing the risk of accidents.
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B. Identification and Verification
- A genuine license acts as an official identification document, widely accepted by various institutions for age verification, opening bank accounts, or accessing certain services.
- It provides credibility to the holder's identity, facilitating seamless interactions with authorities, employers, and other organizations.

C. Travel and International Recognition
- A valid driver's license is often required for renting vehicles or driving abroad, ensuring hassle-free travel experiences.
- Many countries have reciprocal agreements recognizing valid licenses from other nations, making it easier for travelers to explore new destinations.

II. The Process of Obtaining a Real Driver's License (800 words)
A. Eligibility Requirements
- Age restrictions, residency criteria, and minimum health standards are common prerequisites for obtaining a driver's license.
- Familiarizing oneself with the specific requirements of the issuing authority is crucial to ensure a smooth application process.

B. Written and Practical Examinations
- Most jurisdictions require applicants to pass a written test assessing their knowledge of traffic rules, road signs, and safe driving practices.
- A practical driving examination follows, evaluating the applicant's ability to handle a vehicle responsibly in various traffic scenarios.
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C. Driver's Education and Training
- Completing a driver's education program or attending driving schools can significantly enhance driving skills and increase the chances of passing the examinations.
- Such programs often cover theoretical classroom sessions, practical driving lessons, and simulated scenarios to prepare applicants adequately.

D. Licensing Fees and Documentation
- There is typically a fee associated with obtaining a driver's license, covering administrative costs and processing fees.
- Applicants are required to provide specific documents, including proof of identity, residency, and, in some cases, medical certificates.

III. Avoiding Counterfeit Licenses and Identity Fraud (900 words)
A. Recognizing Counterfeit Licenses
- Counterfeit licenses often exhibit visible signs of forgery, including poor-quality materials, mismatched fonts, or altered holograms.
- Verifying the license's authenticity by cross-checking security features, such as watermarks, microprinting, and UV elements, can help identify counterfeit documents.

B. Verifying Issuing Authorities
- Researching and confirming the legitimacy of the issuing authority is crucial to ensure the validity of the driver's license.
- Contacting the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or equivalent agency can provide reliable information regarding the issuing process and document features.
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C. Reporting Suspected Counterfeit Licenses
- If encountering a suspected counterfeit driver's license, it is essential to report it to the appropriate authorities to prevent its further circulation.
- Local law enforcement agencies or the DMV can guide individuals on the necessary steps to report and handle such situations.

D. Protecting Personal Information
- Safeguarding personal information, such as address, license number, and date of birth, is crucial in preventing identity theft or fraudulent activities.IMG_20240522_155113_184.jpg

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