SONY KD49XD8077 S broke after 3 years

SONY KD49XD8077 S broke after 3 years

I have bought a tv SONY KD49XD8077S, in May 2017, and it broked down after only 3 years of using it. 

I have payed 750 euros for it, discounted from 1000 euro. I have made a 2 years credit for buying it, because I wanted the last generation of tv , something that will last me some years . I thought that buying the newest generation will mean that the tv will be more performant and more reliable .

Calling the service from my country I have found out that most likely the problem is  the motherboard that needs to be replaced. The cost of the repair is between 250-300 euros, almost a 3rd from the tv price.

This TV was an investment for me and I am very disappointed in the brand . If I have known that the brand is a disappointment I would have bought the Samsung tv that I initially thought in buying, but instead i choose Sony because it had a better picture quality.