KD-55XD8599 Subwoofer problem


KD-55XD8599 Subwoofer problem



I have a KD-55XD8599 and i have a problem connecting the subwoofer to the soundbar/TV.


The problem i have is that i dont quite understand the instructions on how to connect it (page 41 of the soundbar manual). The instructions say:


1. Press home.

2. Select 'setup' from the home menu.


There are 4 further instructions but they are irrelevant at the moment because i cannot even get past these first two instructions.


First of all, 'press home' - does this mean press home on the soundbar controller or the TV controller? If i press 'home' on the soundbar controller the TV switches to HDMI1 input and an on-screen message says 'No signal. Check external input or select another input using the INPUT button'.


I would assume that '1. Press home' means press home on the TV controller anyway. Am i correct in assuming this?


Secondly, 'select setup' from the home menu - i do not see this option. Its that simple. I cannot see this 'setup' (icon looks like a briefcase) anywhere after pressing 'home' (on the TV controller)


Can anyone advise? I have paid £350 for a soundbar and there is no bass to the sound because i cannot connect the subwoofer. The subwoofer remains on standby mode (red light).


FYI my soundbar model is HT-CT790.


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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Hi there


Appologies that no one has responsed to your question.  Its been a few days now since you have posted - do you still require help or have you managed to figure it out?




Hello, it's ok. I still need help yes. I have been unable to solve this issue 😞

Not applicable

Hi there


I think the best thing to do here is to take things step by step.


Step 1:

Turn the power to the TV and Soundbar off - flick the switch on the wall


Step 2:

Firstly, can you check to see if you have plugged in a HDMI cable from the TV to the soundbar. 


On the TV, you will need to use the HDMI4 - ARC port.



On the Soundbar, use the HDMI OUT - TV (ARC) port:



Step 3:

Turn the TV and Soundbar/Subwoofer ON



@Andymac1982 wrote:

Hello, it's ok. I still need help yes. I have been unable to solve this issue 😞

Quick question, have you connected the soundbar (hdmi out) to your TV (hdmi4) using a hdmi cable then switched the input on the TV to (hdmi4 ARC)? You press Home on the soundbar remote then follow the instructions. Note I do not have this TV or Soundbar but I have had a quick look at the manuals.

Not applicable

Step 4:

This is where you link the Subwoofer to the Soundbar.  Use the remote control that was supplied with the Soundbar.  A couple of buttons you will need to use:



When you press the [HOME] button using the Soundbar remote control, a screen like this will appear on the TV:



So for Step 4, using the Soundbar remote control follow the steps indicated on page 41 of the manual - which I have attached to this post (in PDF).

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Step 5:

Using the TV remote control:  Press the [Action Menu] button, scroll down and select "Speakers"  and ensure "Audio System" is selected.


This means that audio from the TV will now be outputted to the Soundbar instead of the TVs speakers.




Quinnicus you have provided excellent step by step instructions thank you.


i will try these out when I can get to my TV. I am unable to answer your questions at this moment because I am not in front of my TV. Once I get there I will go through your instructions one by one and can check what you have asked me.


thanks again really appreciate your time



Hi I have a problem with my new Sony Bravia tv and ct790 sound bar. Every 15 to 20 secs there is a momentary blank gap in the sound. The sound returns instantaneously but it’s annoying as it never stops. Is there a set up solution?