KD-43XD8305 Browser issue


KD-43XD8305 Browser issue

Brought my new TV 4 days ago and really inpressed...  However I only have one issue.

Everything works perfectly on all of the apps except for an issue I have with the browser. When I go onto websites. If I try to view a film from the browser I constantly get a small spinning circle in the middle of the  screen popping up every few seconds as if the screen is constantly buffering.!!!

There isn't an issue with my internet speed as I have a 210MB download speed and have tested accordingly and is correct. I do not get this issue if I connect to Netflix or Amazon Prime. Any suggestions anyone ?


it's probaly not a problem with network speed rather depending on which kind of streaming are you trying to do. Opera browser like many other BTW does not support any plugin (such as flash player i.e.)

You may still wanto to try to install Chrome to see if the result is any different