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Phone Contacts are deleted from phone


Phone Contacts are deleted from phone

Long time I was using Phone program True Phhone on older xperia phones, so i installed tis True phone app in to my new Xperia 5

1. In Xperia 5 there is just google phone book and when it sinchronise with google - all my contacts are deleted from phone. Ok I disabled sinchronisation with google. Then I can save contacts in a phone and use them. If I turn on sinhroniztion with google - I lose my contacts in my phone again.

2. If I remove WhatsApp in the same are removed my contacts from the phone. 

3. In my Viber App there was not accsepted option Sync contacts (Add Viber contactsto your device's contacts). I accsepted it and was siurprized again. I lost all my contacts again.

I tried to do the same on my colege's phone (Huawei with the same android 10) - no such strange heapenings. Contacts was safe and on Huawei you can use as google as phone contacts.

I'm heappy that I had backup of my contacts !!!

Problem very strange. I tried to see settings, restart phone to default ...   Problem persists.

It would be nice to receive advice and help