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Fingerprint sensor unlocking without pressing button.

Fingerprint sensor unlocking without pressing button.


I recently upgraded from Xperia X Compact to Xperia 5ii.

One of my problems is that previously to unlock the phone you had to press the button and only after that it would scan the finger.

In new version it unlocks if you just touch the button before you even pressed it. It's very annoying, cause it unlocks every time i try to put the phone in my pocket, or take it out.

For now i solved it with registering only the very tip of my thumb, so it only unlocks when i'm holding thumb perpendicular to the button.

But i would really appreciate seeing some kind of option setting to not scan fingers when the screen is off.

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Yup, I'm in agreement with all the issues here.

I spend half my life apologising to people for accidentally ringing them or sending them garbage messages, OR being told there's a bright light coming out of my pocket because the torch has got turned on AGAIN.

If I put my hand in my pocket for any reason, like finding a tissue or getting some small change, or just keeping my hands warm, I nearly always turn the damn phone on by accident by brushing the fingerprint sensor.


Sony REALLY need an option to only turn on the screen by the power button and just use the fingerprint for security.

Not applicable

Yeah, that always happens when the phone is in my pocket. But to be honest, I think this is the case with all phones even the other brands


Except my previous phone XZ1 Compact worked much better as I have written before. Maybe all new models have this non-intuitive way to use the combined power-fingerprint reader but it has been implemented in better way before.


Also the one hand mode was ruined on Xperia 5 iii when Android 12 update came.
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Guys, are you using protective cases? Mine never done anything like this before, but I also never put it in my pocket, in a separate space inside my purse. :grin: